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About Us

Welcome to Your Looking Good, we are a renowned t-shirt company, that not only manufactures and sells t-shirts for bringing out your personality but also to keep your personal and financial credentials safe. We make scanner guard cards that are designed to protect your personal and financial information. Our scanner guards are attached to the chest of the t-shirt and are the size of credit cards which are made of a mixture of metals that disrupts any kind of scanner from reading the RFID signals. Now is that not a smart choice? Have something that fits your well, brings out your personality as well as makes you look and sound smart for keeping your credentials safe from being hacked.

We sell safety and style together. Your Looking Good has come up with this idea to find you a perfect fitted casual t-shirt that you can wear anywhere at any time, as well as draw attention due to the mirror-like scanner guard. We provide a money-back guarantee if you wear our t-shirt, and don't get attention or a date for yourself. Be smart with our scanner guard t-shirts and look good for yourself with our well-fitted and comfortable t-shirts.

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